The workshops were very informative, I learnt many new things. It was also great refreshing things I learnt while studying. I thoroughly enjoyed the real life examples our presenter, Lynette used, as well as the opportunity to share our own work experiences. I really enjoyed how interactive it was. The Play Learn Grow book is wonderful, insightful and interesting. I really enjoy the pictures in the book, it helps to visualize what is being explained in the book. Extremely beneficial, very valuable information. Highly recommended!
Magdeleen de Lange, Mamma en Onderwyseres, Aanlyn
Ek sal hierdie werkswinkels vir elke mamma aanbeveel. Vir my is die Speel-Speel Slim boek nie net ‘n boek nie, maar ‘n handleiding wat ek elke dag kan gebruik en toepas. Ek kan nie genoeg van hom kry nie!
Bets Botex, Tzaneen
Best workshops I have ever attended!
Marié Mitchley, Educator
These two workshops have given me a brand new perspective on my students and how to approach teaching as a whole. I most enjoyed learning how missed milestones may impact School Readiness. The Play Learn Grow book is very informative and well put together. Thoroughly enjoyed Monique's presentation style!
Bianca van Tonder, Mom, Online
Wonderful workshop. Very insightful and amazing information. I thoroughly enjoyed the practical examples and real life stories connected to the content. Our facilitator, Cozette, was wonderful - she kept focus all the way through. The Play Learn Grow book is lovely - I love all the pictures and little paragraphs - makes it less daunting to read and many beautiful visual illustrations. My mommy cup is full!
Fadia Edries, Occupational Therapist and Granny, Online
The Play Learn Grow workshops were very enjoyable, Cozette relayed the information in such a very informative and clear manner. I liked the interactive manner in which this workshop was conducted. Cozette is so knowledgeable and this was manifested in the 'easy to understand' way she answered our questions. The Play Learn Grow book is so well written. The explanations and illustrations make it easy to read and understand. Dr De Jager makes the theory relatable- I liked the fact that the book isn't too clinical. The highlight was being able to relate the content to my grandchildren. I would like to thank Cozette for conducting such an informative workshop - You were wonderful! Your enthusiasm and your knowledge was so apparent throughout your presentation.
Devashnee Naidoo, Mom, Online
Loved learning about the first 9 months of baby development as this applies to my own baby. Our facilitator, Cozette, was fabulous. The Play Learn Grow book is extremely informative and well written. Excellent workshop and highly recommended to others!
Louise Dippenaar, Educator, Online
The Play Learn Grow workshops were so informative and powerful, I loved every moment! A highlight was how baby milestones and development impact school readiness. The Play Learn Grow book is absolutely fantastic! A must read for every mommy, educator, nanny or caregiver - very informative and beautifully put together with explanations, activities and photos! I feel that all educators, regardless of what age they teach, should attend these workshops, purely because all educators should be able to pick up on these under developed areas as early as possible; parents and children can be guided sooner and prevent struggles from occurring later. A strong developmental foundation to build upon would make a big difference. Monique is a natural presenter!
Jo-Anne Smit, Tzaneen
I loved the entire workshop, it was so interesting and informative. Monique Pieterse is a brilliant facilitator and I could easily relate with her love for little ones. I LOVE my Play Learn Grow book, thank you so much! Lovely to have something to refer to later. Please develop more workshops for this age group BabyGym, I will gladly dedicate my Saturdays to attend.
Andrea Botha
There were so many highlights! I absolutely love the Play Learn Grow book! I wish I had it while I was pregnant and I think every caring parent and early childhood caregiver should read and own this book. Our facilitator, Lelani, was very passionate and an expert in the field.
Wiandra Nel, Educator, Linden
"Highlights – the importance of learning from birth. The Play Learn Grow book is amazing and helpful!"
Laura Pakendorf, Occupational Therapist, Online
I loved the interactive nature of the workshop. The Play Learn Grow (Birth to 3) book is informative and user friendly. Highly recommended!
Delena Strydom, Panorama Borsvoed Kliniek, Kaap
"Werkswinkel 1 was baie interessant en ek het ontsettend baie daaruit geleer, maar Werkswinkel 2 (mylpale) was absoluut “mind blowing”. ‘n Mens hoor gedurig van skoolgereedheid en dan wonder ‘n mens wat hulle eintlik bedoel want as die kind die regte ouderdom behaal het, behoort die kind mos reg te wees vir skool. Reg...? Verkeerd!
Ek het altyd van al die baba mylpale geweet, maar nooit eintlik besef hoe belangrik dit is vir die res van ‘n kind se lewe nie. So, ek wil baie dankie sê vir Liezl Blom wat hierdie inligting op so ‘n wonderlike manier aan ons oorgedra het. Dit was iets besonders!"
Shani Zoutendyk, Educator, Online
The Play Learn Grow workshops are super useful and informative. The Play Learn Grow book is AWESOME! I loved Monique’s presentation style. She went the extra mile to ensure we enjoyed the sessions and were included in the discussions. She is so passionate about the topics. The sessions were fun, interactive and informative - a great combo! I thoroughly enjoyed the workshops and look forward to any future offerings from BabyGym.
Monique Prior, Occupational Therapist, Linden
"A very welcoming environment with a fabulous presenter who engages well with the group and the content. The content was thought provoking, detailed and unbelievably useful! Thank you for an informative workshop, I have grown as a therapist.
Play Learn Grow book- Excellent presentation and layout of information, filled with valuable and practical theory and skills."
Andrea Willis, Kinderkineticist, Online
I loved the entire workshop. I have a six month old and a 3 year old and the content was all so relevant and insightful. Cozette, the facilitator, was outstanding and so passionate, I could listen to her for many more hours, she knows so much. Absolutely LOVE the Play Learn Grow book! Highly recommend this workshop.
Charné Claasen, Mother and Educator
Loved the content - I really enjoyed the why and how parts of the workshop. I think as parents and educators we are often told what to do but never really told why, and why it is important. I loved learning about the developmental skill vs. the school readiness skill. Seeing the two next to each other really puts it into perspective. I also really enjoyed the "if they could, they would." What an eye opener that was!
I thoroughly enjoyed Cozette's presentation style, it was professional and very well presented. She speaks beautifully and I enjoy listening to her.
The Play Learn Grow book is fantastic. I browsed through the "Speel Speel Slim" book while I was pregnant, but having my own busy little 10 month old and being able to refer back to the book is worth gold! This book is a wonderful gift for a baby shower.
Keri Preece, Speech and Language Therapist, Online
I really enjoyed the practical examples and experiences Cozette gave to consolidate the theory. The Play Learn Grow book is user-friendly and written in a way that parents will thoroughly enjoy. Cozette's passion for her profession is wonderful and contagious! A workshop highlight was gaining different theoretical perspectives so that I can become the best possible mother, therapist and teacher.
Bernice Worst, Mother and Homeopath
This workshop helped me to truly understand my own child and give him the best tools to cope and really flourish later in life. I loved the functional house model and the principle of going back to the previous 'level' if there is a problem or delayed milestone. Cozette is a lovely, relatable person. Easy to follow and keeps the work interesting and gives daily life examples. She was friendly, calm and open. The Play Learn Grow book is fantastic! Recommended for all new moms. Thank you for your time, passion and enthusiasm towards child development. This will be such a book/course of pearls for so many moms/ educators/ caregivers to better understand little ones and build better humans.
Judilene Muller, Remedial Teacher, Online
Everything about this workshop was wonderful. As a remedial teacher I now truly understand where learning difficulties originate. I have been remediating for years without knowing that concrete learning is fundamental to learning in general. Cozette is a brilliant presenter, so passionate! The Play Learn Grow book is fantastic! I hope every mum can attend this workshop. The highlight? The whole 6 hours! Highly recommended.
Thaila du Plessis, Online
I thoroughly enjoyed the practical representations and structured information about specific developmental milestones per age group. Our facilitator, Lynette van Wyk, had an interactive and student-cantered facilitation style and engaged with all students whilst conveying the main idea. Lovely and highly recommendable workshop!
Andrea van Antwerpen Muller, Mamma, Aanlyn
Dit was 'n baie interessante werkswinkel - en ek het baie geleer en dit geniet! Die inhoud is aanpasbaas, interpreteerbaar en beslis relevant en bruikbaar. Lelani het moeite gedoen om ons elkeen te betrek. Die Speel-Speel Slim boek is indrukwekkend interessant! Dankie, dit was regtig lekker om te kon leer.
Megan Smith, Au Pair, Aanlyn
Ek het so baie geleer en goed gehoor wat ek nooit gedink het, het so groot effek nie. Ek het die interkatiewe deel - die huisie bou, uitsonderlik baie geniet. Lynette is baie profesioneel en bied alles baie lekker aan, sy betrek jou ook by die inhoud. Die Speel-Speel Slim boek is baie goed uiteengesit en beskryf elke stap van jou kind se lewe in detail. Ek het so baie geleer en is opgewonde om dit alles toe te pas. Baie dankie vir alles Lynette, dit was baie lekker en baie verrykend. Ek beveel Speel-Speel Slim werkswinkels vir kollegas, vriende en familie aan!
Yolandi Haasbroek
Die inligting in terme van mylpale wat deurgetrek word na skoolgereedheid is fassinerend! Lelani bied die kursus baie gemaklik en met selfvertroue aan. Die Speel-Speel Slim boek is baie lekker studiemateriaal om na die werkswinkel deur te werk - baie informatief met gemaklike leesstof en goeie uitleg.
Monique Poggenpoel, Parent, Windhoek
Wat 'n positiewe werkswinkel met so baie waardevolle inligting! Nita is jonk van gees, en haar entoesiasme is beslis aansteeklik. Sy maak mens honger om meer en meer te wil leer oor kinderontwikkeling. Die Speel-Speel Slim boek is maklik verstaanbaar, en die uiteensetting is uitstekend. Voor ek my kon kry, was die tyd om - ek wou net aanhou! Ek sal beslis die volgende BabaGim-kursus bywoon.
Lianne Prins, Mamma, Linden
Die Speel-Speel Slim werkswinkels het ‘n heel nuwe dimensie van ‘speel’ vir my geopenbaar en die praktiese toepassing daarvan duidelik gemaak. Ek besef nou ‘n kleintjie kan gelyk speel én leer tydens daaglikse interaksie met mamma en pappa... en dit is vir my wonderlik! Ek het die klein groepie geniet, dit was lekker om al die mammas se 'stories' en vrae te hoor en ook die oplossings wat spel bied, te bespreek. Die inhoud van die werkswinkels was baie, maar die voorbeelde en praktiese toepassing daarvan maak dit baie leersaam. Vir iemand wat nog nie BabaGim gedoen het nie en self nou eers swanger is, kon ek die inhoud baie goed volg- so die werkswinkels is regtig gepas vir ALMAL wat belangstel. Die inligting help ook met kleuterskool kies... dit wys net mooi hoé lekker prakties die sessies is! Die venue was lieflik en die fasiliteerder was uitstekend, ek het veral die navorsing en die gevallestudies wat Cozette met die groep gedeel het BAIE geniet! Ek beveel Speel-Speel Slim werkswinkels vir alle opvoeders, vriende en familie aan!
Nichole Fuls, Speech and Language Therapist, Linden
"This workshop creates lateral thinking enabling us to view the child holistically - to understand their individual needs, and apply and encourage the natural development of the child.
The Play Learn Grow book is well written and is an easy-to-follow guide. Just love the visual design!"
Jade Morris, Educator, Linden
"I enjoyed learning how the baby milestones impact school readiness"
SR. Amanda Lindeque, Kaap
"Ek wil vir jou baie dankie sê vir die baie praktiese en regtig borrelende passie waarmee jy die werkswinkel aangebied het.
Dit was vir my regtig ‘n insiggewende sessie en so mooi saam-gevat, die inligting is regtig ook met die aanbieding en die boek so mooi uiteengesit dat als logies sin maak en bymekaar inskakel.
Dankie ook dat jy die vrae wat ons gestel het kon antwoord op grond van jou ondervinding en praktiese ervaring - dat mens
regtig die inpak van die mylpaal ontwikkeling kan insien en verstaan. Die werkswinkel was vir my regtig baie interessant.
Ek sal beslis die werkswinkel aanbeveel!"
Workshop highlights, Linden
“Movement is crucial. It is the ‘beginning and end’ of learning”
“One on one time with your child is imperative for their development”
“Stimulating your baby is important, but so too is helping them to calm down for restful periods”
“How crucial physical development is from conception to 14 months; and the importance of rolling and crawling!”
"A child is a work in progress, they need your guidance to unlock their full potential”
Annalie Bonthuys, Kaap
"Liezl, baie dankie vir die spontane, gemaklike manier waarop jy die Speel-Speel Slim werkswinkel aangebied het. Ek dink die kursus is goud werd vir elke mamma, pappa, versorger en selfs oumas en oupas. ALMAL wat insette het in babas se daaglikse sorg.
Dit is goed om terug na die basiese gevat te word en dan te weet dat ons op ‘n natuurlike wyse ‘n baba kan help om mylpale te bereik.
Dankie BabaGim dat jul mense bewus maak van babas se behoeftes en groei in die baie belangrike eerste jare van lewe."
Chantelle Venter, Online
I particularly enjoyed learning about how sensory development can affect a child's behavior and self esteem, as well as learning about how developmental challenges can present as ADHD and how movement can be used to treat it in older kids. The Play Learn Grow book is very informative!
Sharon Grace, Preschool Owner
This entire workshop was a highlight, but I most enjoyed learning about the correlation between development milestones and school readiness. The Play Learn Grow book is factual, well set out yet short and to the point. Every BEd Foundation Phase teaching student should attend this workshop!
Nadine Watson, Speech and Language Therapist, Linden
"Great management, well organised workshop. Our presenter, Cozette, was very knowledgeable! The Play Learn Grow book is informative
and clear, AMAZING!"
I enjoyed ALL the content covered, I learnt so much! I liked learning that the brain can be rewired at any age by reaching milestones. I really found it fascinating how much you can tell from a child’s drawing of themselves. Monique has a wealth of knowledge and experience, this is very evident. The Play Learn Grow book is an amazing resource! Filled with fantastic information, every parent and educator should own a copy! I am very glad I came across this workshop advert. I am excited to help my own children & share my knowledge with other parents.
Trudi Hendrikse, Opvoedkundige, Aanlyn
Dit was ontsettend insiggewend om te leer hoe elke baba- en peuter mylpaal 'n voorloper is vir skoolgereedheidsvaardighede. Ek is mal oor die Speel-Speel Slim boek. Dit bevat baie relevante inligting en is ook 'n lekker bron om te raadpleeg as mens meer oor 'n spesifieke aspek wil leer. Die hele kursus was vir my een groot hoogtepunt!
Dr Barry Gerber, President SAPIK - Kinderkinetics, Potchefstroom
I would like to start off by saying, thank you for the opportunity to attend the two-day Play-Learn-Grow workshop from BabyGym presented by Lelani Brand-Labuschagne. Initially I decided to attend the workshop from a professional perspective, in order to gain new knowledge or recap on knowledge that I already had attained through the years in practice, in order to grow as an academic. However, as the workshop progressed I realised that I am gaining much more necessary and valuable information and background of babies and toddlers from a parent perspective. The workshop opened my eyes as a parent to the meaning of children’s various behaviours and how to handle or manage children effectively in different situations and during different developmental phases. The workshop is a perfect combination of theoretical background information on the biological, physiological, emotional and physical development of babies and toddlers (presented in a well-constructed and understandable manner), the practical implication of growth and maturation on their development and the strategies of how to handle or cope with last mentioned implications. The workshop, in many ways, put the adult into the life or mind of the baby / toddler in order to understand why they act or react in certain manners and that’s what stood out for me as a parent. The presenter of the workshop was comfortable and professional and she was well-educated. I recommend this workshop for every parent who has or will have a little baby or toddler as well as for professionals working in the field of paediatrics and child-development.
Anja Visser, Mother and Lecturer
The Play Learn Grow workshops were very informative and enjoyable. Lelani has the great ability to make complex theories understandable – I could see how it all related to my baby. The Play Learn Grow book is fantastic! I think every mom in the world should own one.
Yumna Razak, Occupational Therapist, Online
I loved the interactiveness of the workshop. It really helped to use the different analogies to explain how development takes place as it makes it easier to remember. Venessa, the facilitator was great. She linked the content back to real life experiences which makes the learning easier and fun! The Play Learn Grow book is informative, has a great structure, easy to read and follow. As an OT this workshop revised many basics but also offered a deeper understanding of development, especially from a parent point of view. A big highlight was the link between development in the first 3 years and school readiness, so good to know! I would definitely recommend this workshop to friends and colleagues.
Elicia Naude, Student
I’ve learned a lot in these workshops, and will be able to use what I’ve learned in my lifetime to come. The Play Learn Grow book is fantastic and so helpful. Lelani is an amazing teacher in this field and I really want to thank her.