BabyGym® and Calcaneovalgus Foot
Marietjie Poggenpoel
“During a pre-natal check-up with the gynaecologist, my grandson was diagnosed with the possibility of a clubfoot. It was important to determine whether it was an isolated incident or whether there was the possibility that other congenital complications could occur too. All tests were done, and professionals were consulted. The recommendation was to enjoy the pregnancy as final diagnosis and treatment would be determined after birth.
My grandson was born on the 3rd of February 2021 by natural birth. He was a perfect, healthy, newborn baby. His physical health was determined by his Apgar score and he passed with flying colours. He scored a nine within minutes and then a ten out of ten.
At birth the foot was diagnosed as Calcaneovalgus foot and not clubfoot…”
The BabyGym® Massage, Body Awareness and Potty Training
Marijke Fouché
“I am mom to two beautiful children. Both of them were born via cesarean section. My son was born in 2017 and we joined BabyGym when he was 3 months old. In the first BabyGym class you learn to massage your baby and I diligently massaged him without fully understanding all the benefits this included. As an overwhelmed and sleep-deprived first-time mom, I did not fully grasp the potential and benefits of the BabyGym program at that time. When he was 6 months old, we learnt that a second precious baby was on the way. Our daughter, Abigail, was born in March 2018. Needless to say, by that time I had completely forgotten what I had learnt in BabyGym and I never massaged her…”
The power of tracing the body outline
Lynette van Wyk
“On presenting Play Learn Grow in a remote rural town, a mom asked advice regarding her 16-month-old girl who will not play with any toy whatsoever, shows no interest in touching anything messy, does not say a word, not even Mommy, and was diagnosed by her paediatrician with Sensory Disorder. The mom showed me a video with the little girl spinning a household object. That was her only interest in an object – spinning it. She showed no interest in playing with toys. Regardless of the mommy’s desperate efforts to get her involved in play, she was not successful and wanting to know what she could do.”
BabyGym® and Erb’s Palsy
Marijke Fouché
“On 1 August 2019 mom Michelle Olivier contacted me, she wanted to start with BabyGym 2 classes. Her baby daughter, Michanri, was almost 6 weeks old then. She mentioned that Michanri had been diagnosed with Erb’s Palsy shortly after birth. Complications during the birth occurred which caused injury to the group of nerves of the left arm. Medical practitioners advised Michelle to wait until Michanri had turned 3 months old to perform an MRI scan to determine the severity of the condition and treatment plan. In the meantime, Michelle saw an advertisement for BabyGym classes and decided to join up…”
BabyGym® and feeding
Lynette van Wyk
On Tuesday the 4th of June, Carin Coates emailed me with the following information:
Noah is not open to eat any whole / textured foods and therefore we had him assessed by an Occupational Therapist (OT) and she picked up some sensory integration issues as well as confirmed that he has low muscle tone and believes that this is the cause of him not taking whole foods (he just doesn’t know how to handle it). He is getting therapy for these issues.
At this stage Noah was 22 months old. Read about his remarkable progress here…
BabaGim® voordele vir ‘n prematuur babatjie
Esté van Heerden
Christo en Beatrix Ross het met hul baba seuntjie, Alexander Ross die BabaGim 2 reeks by my voltooi. Alexander was drie maande te vroeg gebore en het op 8 maande met BabaGim begin. Hier is sy vordering…
Van op die magie seil na hande-viervoet kruip. Joegaai!
Jo-Marie vdM Bothma
As BabaGim instrukteur was dit vir my ‘n absolute heerlikheid en voorreg om met elkeen van my kinders te kon toepas wat ek in klasse deel. Dit maak my GLO in die BabaGim-program en elke keer bevestig dit aan my, dat selfs na meer as 10 jaar as instrukteur, ek nogsteeds met selfvertroue hierdie program kan aanbeveel sonder enige voorbehoud.
Ons jongste is ‘n ywerige asjas wat heel gewillig en vinnig mylpale wil bereik. Sy het vroeg al begin rol en kon stewig en sonder enige ondersteuning sit voordat sy 6 maande oud was. Toe dit egter by kruip kom, was sy baie slim om al seilend op haar maag te kom waar sy wil wees. Die feit dat haar ouer boetie en sussie dit laggend aangemoedig het, het waarskynlik nie gehelp nie!
BabaGim 1 – ‘n reddingsbooi tydens en na ‘n traumatiese geboorte
Diamari Schoeman
Ons was alreeds in 2011 van BabaGim se grootste ondersteuners, te danke aan ander mammas en pappas wat hulle stories met ons gedeel het. Ons het so baie baat gevind by BabaGim 1. Hoe dankbaar was ek as mamma toe ek deur die hele kraamproses, sowel as daardie eerste paar weke, ‘n man gehad het wat saam met my BabaGim 1 bygewoon het. Hy het so mooi alles onthou wat Mamma vergeet het.
Pappa het onthou van die ‘Vagus-massering’ en het baie gewillig en gereeld ‘n skreeuende koliek babatjie van Mamma se hande afgeneem. Ons het ‘n relatiewe moeilike en traumatiese geboorte gehad en sonder BabaGim 1 en 2 sit ons vandag en wonder hoe anders dit kon gewees het.
Reach those milestones with BabyGym!
Lorika de Jager
As a mom of four children, Sanmarie did not expect any hiccups with baby number five. She knew the run down – babies lift their heads, roll over, sit, crawl, stand up and walk. Her babies were all calm babies and did things according to the book.
But not Jonah. Although he was calm, she was concerned about her little baby boy, who, at 13 months, still did not crawl at all. He did not even attempt to crawl. All four older siblings reached their milestones in the correct order and more or less at the generally acceptable age set out for reaching each milestone. Feeling very worried that there might be a problem with his brain development, they took Jonah to the Pediatrician who did an MRI scan and other tests to confirm whether there was any physical reason why he was not crawling. Yet all was fine. Jonah’s physical brain was in perfect condition. However, the question remained why he wasn’t showing any signs of crawling.
Daniël leer rol na slegs een BabaGim sessie
Dr Jo-Marie vdM Bothma
Toe baba Daniël op 24 ½ weke kom en nog absoluut geen poging aanwend om enigsins te rol nie het mamma geweet dit is tyd vir ‘n rol sessie. Daar gekom het ons deur al die aktiwiteite gegaan wat ons by die huis moet gaan oefen en mens het letterlik sy frustrasie kon hoor met al die harde werk en die lyfie wat nog nie lekker wil saamwerk nie. My en pappa se verbasing was groot toe ons die aand by die huis bietjie oefen en hy omrol na sy een kant toe! Ons kon nie glo dat hy na net een sessie uiteindelik kan rol nie! Dit was nie eers ‘n week later nie, toe kan Daniël gemaklik beide kante toe rol. Nou hou ons dinge dop om te sien wanneer gaan hy begin kruip!
Babies who want to be touched the least, often need it the most
Lorika de Jager
When little Saige came for her very first BabyGym class at three months, she was not a very happy baby. The moment they came in the door, she started crying. Mommy had to stand with her in her arms throughout the entire session. She obviously did not get much massaging done. Stimbile, Saige’s nanny, came along to the classes and also practised the massaging techniques.
As we walked out after the massaging class, mom Alida opened her heart and raised her concerns. She was very worried about Saige’s behaviour as there were similarities between her reactions and early signs of Autism. Mom recalled that her little girl was fine at home in her own environment, but the moment they left their home, she would start screaming. She also did not like it at all when someone tried to touch her. She would start crying uncontrollably when touched, almost like the person touching her was causing her pain. During the conversation, Mom mentioned that the birthing process was difficult. Saige was born with three broken ribs and a torn ligament in her right arm. This hindered movement of her arm and the muscle movement was jerky.
Dis nooit te laat nie – die kruipmylpaal is suksesvol bereik!
Anneri Naudé
‘n Bekommerde mamma het my gekontak met die hoop dat ek haar 1 jarige seuntjie sal kan help. Mateo het een van sy belangrike mylpale gemis – kruip. Mamma bieg dat hy baie tyd in die loopring deurgebring het en toe van daar af begin stap het, ‘n paar keer geval het en toe ook nie meer wou stap nie.
Mateo het vol energie by die eerste klassie opgedaag. Dit was ‘n uitdaging om die besige lyfie te masseer, maar hy het van die massering gehou. Massering gee vir baba se brein ‘n kaart van sy eie lyfie. Dit is so belangrik dat baba bewus is van sy liggaamsdele en wat hulle kan doen. Ek het ook 3 BabaGim aktiwiteite bygegee wat mamma elke dag tuis moes herhaal: fietsie-ry, oorkruis hand na knie neem en romprotasie-oefeninge. Alles kardinale oefeninge vir kruip. Daardie aand het mamma weer vir Mateo masseer en daar draai hy om en gaan staan handeviervoet! Sy ouers het grootoog vir mekaar gekyk en pappa het verbaas gesê “Maar daar kan mos nie nou al iets gebeur na net een les nie?!”
BabaGim® bring nuwe hoop vir Saziso in Viljoenskroon
Jolandé Muller
My paaie het gekruis met die van Saziso Njikelane toe haar familie moedeloos en sonder hoop by my vir raad kom aanklop het. Saziso wou net nie gewig optel nie, sy was al 9 maande oud en het ‘n skamele 4kg geweeg. Sy was ‘n voltermynbaba met ‘n geboortegewig van 1,7kg. Sy het van geboorte af die plaaslike kliniek besoek om haar gewig te monitor en voedingsondersteuning te bekom, maar tot dusver was die sukses min.
BabaGim vir Mamma en Baba
Madeleine Mitchell
‘n Bekommerde Mamma Jacoré het vir my ‘n epos gestuur om te vra of ek dink BabaGim sal vir haar seuntjie kan help. Hy was toe 6-weke oud en alreeds twee keer gehospitaliseer weens ‘n voedingsprobleem, refluks en koliek. Boonop was Baba James met ‘n verhoogde verhemelte gebore wat sy voeding vermoeilik het.
Ondeund, maar slim!
Madeleine Mitchell
My oorlede Ouma het altyd na ‘n vriend van my as “ondeund” verwys. Ek het nooit werklik verstaan wat die woord beteken nie totdat ek self eendag ‘n ondeunde kyk in my dogtertjie se oë gesien het… Ek is ‘n mamma van twee pragtige dogtertjies en is ook ‘n BabaGim Instrukteur. Nodeloos om te sê is BabaGim ‘n alledaagse gebeurtenis in ons huis. Ons masseer, stimuleer al die sintuie en versterk die spiere, maar waarby ek vandag wil uitkom is spesifiek hoe ons in BabaGim alreeds van babatjie-tyd af die brein voorberei om later krities en analities te kan planne beraam en probleme oplos.
BabyGym® and Our Birth Stories
Diamari Schoeman
I was extremely blessed to do my BabyGym Instructor training with Dr Melodie de Jager while being pregnant with our first daughter Annebel. It was later that same year at a BabyGym conference that I learnt that there was a big difference between birthing your baby naturally, and birthing your baby normally. This intrigued me and opened up my curiosity to what it means to truly birth your baby naturally.
So in a nutshell what I had learned is that a normal birth refers to birthing your baby vaginally but that there are sometimes procedures included in this process like an induction, epidural, episiotomy, use of forceps, etc. A natural birth refers to the natural onset of labour and birthing your baby vaginally without any procedures, medication or interferences.
BabyGym for All – The First Time Mom and the Experienced Mom
Ronel Schutte
I am a mother of four children and one would think a mom of four really knows it all, but I soon realized that there is always more to learn, especially when it comes to your baby’s development. BabyGym and our Instructor, Julie Pretorius, helped me with that.
Amarisa Kruip!
Madeleine Mitchell
Ons wil almal die beste vir ons kinders hê en as hulle nog klein is, is dit vir ons mammas veral belangrik dat ons babas al hulle fisiese mylpale bereik. Mamma Salome is ‘n enkelmamma en het by BabaGim kom aanklop na sy vir Dr Melodie de Jager by ‘n aangeleentheid hoor praat het oor die belangrikheid van kruip. Dit was die namiddag van Donderdag 9 November 2017, toe Salome my kontak. Twee dae voor my volgende BabaGim 2 Ferm Grondslag program die Saterdag, 11 November 2017 sou begin. Mamma Salome wou by die BabaGim klassies aansluit want sy was bekommerd – haar dogtertjie Amarisa, was al 13 maande oud en nog nie aan die kruip nie.
BabaGim® vir Bobaas Spiere
Esté van Heerden
Petro Nel en haar baba dogterjie, Joke Nel het die BabaGim 2 reeks by my in Welkom voltooi. Mamma Petro was reeds al in die eerste les baie opgewonde oor die massering en het vinnig agtergekom dat Joke deur die massering vinnig bewus geword het van haar handjies en voetjies. Dit was vir Petro ‘n groot opgewondenheid en ook vir ons in die klassie om die vordering en verandering te kon sien. Die massering het Joke se lyfie en spiere ook sterker gemaak. Petro was elke les so opgewonde oor die verbeteringe wat sy daagliks waargeneem het deur die massering en het daardeur nog al hoe meer gemotiveerd geraak om elke dag met haar baba dogterjie te BabaGim. In BabaGim leer ons vir die ouers ‘hoe meer baba van haar liggaam weet, hoe gemakliker gebruik sy hom om te beweeg’. Baba leer deur te beweeg en ‘n baba wat gemaklik beweeg, is ‘n baba wat kan leer!
BabaGim® versterk spiere, verbeter spysvertering en stimuleer die sintuie – reuk en smaak
Esté van Heerden
Lorrain Stoltz en haar baba seuntjie, Joel, het die BabaGim 2 reeks by my in Welkom voltooi. Joel was te vroeg gebore en het veral baie baat gevind by die BabaGim-massering. Mamma Lorrain het hom elke dag by die huis masseer op ‘n tyd wat vir hul twee die beste gepas het. Deur die massering het Joel baie ontspan en sy hele lyfie is oopgevou. ‘n Ontspanne baba kan leer en deur baba se liggaam oop te vou stel ons meer van sy vel, vingers en tone bloot aan die buitewêreld vir leergeleenthede en ons leer sy spiere om op nuwe maniere te begin beweeg. Lorrain was ook opgewonde om te kon sien hoe Joel se spiertjies sterker geword het deur die massering. Die massering het Joel baie laat ontspan en hy het elke keer daarna heerlik geslaap.
BabyGym® offers long-term skills and advantages
Juliet Pretorius
As a first time mom I wanted only the best for my newborn baby so I researched numerous educational and stimulation options that we could enjoy together. BabyGym® came out at the top of my list and so we set off for our first class when my son was only 7 weeks old…
BabyGym’s 3-Part Winning Recipe
Kerry Kruuse
Our nearly 3 1/2 year old daughter took to finger-sucking rather than sucking a dummy when she was a baby. She always sucked the index and middle finger on her right hand and played with the skin on her neck with her left hand, simultaneously. If she was in our arms or lying next to us and sucking her fingers, she would play with our necks instead. She started play school a year ago and welcomed her baby brother into the world 3 months prior to that. For these reasons, we did not discourage her finger-sucking as it was helping to comfort her during these times of change…
Die BabaGim-massering – ‘n wonderkuur vir ‘n sensoriese baba
Sanett Oosthuizen
“Marcus het van geboorte af sy asem uitgehuil wanneer iets hom ontstel het – selfs wanneer hy net nie tevrede was om na ‘n bad nuwe klere aan te trek nie. Die episodes was baie kort en baie skrikwekkend. Hy kon binne 30 sekondes homself opwerk van ‘n gelukkige baba tot ‘n baba wat homself rooi in die gesig skree, ewe skielik net ophou asemhaal en pap in ‘n mens se arms raak. Hy het dan altyd weer na so 5 sekondes begin asemhaal. Ons het alles in ons vermoë gedoen om hom nie te ontstel nie, maar dit is natuurlik onmoontlik!” Lees hier verder
Sy rol!
Dr Jo-Marie vdM Bothma
Teen 8 maande oud, het Michön nog nie begin rol nie en was sy nie gemotiveerd om eers te probeer nie. Sy kon toe al lekker onafhanklik sit, maar die mamma het besef hoe belangrik die rol-mylpaal is en dadelik vir ‘n BabaGim rol- en sit-klas ingeskakel om meer te leer van spiere sterk maak en oefen.
A happy granny says thank you to BabyGym®
Dr Melodie de Jager
Josua de Jager was born naturally 25 January 2016. For the first 4 months we ooo-ed and aaa-ed because our blue-eyed boy was a heartbreaker from the moment he was born. No, it is not just the ouma’s opinion! People often commented on how Josua had the uncanny ability to connect with you, both through a firm grasp ánd eye contact. But between months 4 and 5 we noticed that his head circumference was increasing rapidly. A rapid race to see him in person ended with a dash to the doctor, scans and an emergency appointment to see a neurologist. Three days later Josua was diagnosed with Hydrocephalus – also called Water on the Brain. Hydrocephalus is a condition in which there is an abnormal build-up of CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) in the cavities (ventricles) of the brain. The build-up is often caused by an obstruction which prevents proper fluid drainage. Our courageous little man had surgery 4 days later and went straight to ICU. In the months that followed Josua’s mom, dad, nanny and even his 23 month old sister, worked extremely hard to help him to catch up developmentally. Here is Josua’s story:
BabyGym® and speech development
Charlotte Gouws
Zachary started speaking but his vocabulary was not good and he struggled to express himself. This frustrated him and at times caused tantrums because we could not understand him. Over the months he was making progress, albeit rather slowly. My mother in law knew Charlotte Gouws, BabyGym Instructor in Durbanville Hills, and she advised that we approach Charlotte to discuss Zachary’s speech delay. Zachary was at ease with Charlotte from the very first session and so the journey began. She taught us fun games and exercises that wake up the parts of the brain and muscles, which are needed for clear speech.
BabaGim® Is Mamma-Gim
Jackie van Zyl
Vir my begin die wonderwerk van ‘n baba eintlik reeds in jou binnekant wanneer jy en jou man “daai” gesprek het – “Ja, ons is nou al x-jaar getroud, ja ons het darem al ‘n woonstel gekoop, ja ek voel al meer gereed, ja ek dink ons kan dit bekostig” – soveel dinge! Maar van daardie oomblik dat julle mekaar die tweede “ja-woord” gegee het, begin die opwinding bou. Ons begin goed van die internet aflaai, ons lees op, ons dink en beplan en kan eenvoudig nie wag om twee strepies op die swangerskapstoetsie te sien nie. Dit is ongelooflik opwindend! En as daardie groot dag kom, genade, moet jy lag of huil, gaan julle sê of gaan julle eers wag? “Liefie, gaan koop nóg ‘n toetsie!!”
BabyGym® - Giving Preemies a Head Start
Kerry Kruuse
The information I have learnt through taking part in BabyGym is invaluable. There are reasons for even the smallest and seemingly inconsequential milestones our little miracles reach on a daily basis. Overlooking these achievements or negating the importance of them certainly does not add to the development of our babies. Embracing certain simple techniques by understanding the body’s ingenious way of growing and developing has certainly given me peace of mind in knowing that I have given my special Blair an advantage in a scary start to life!
From BabyGym® attendee to BabyGym Instructor
Kerry Kruuse
Our daughter Charlotte was around 3 months old when we started BabyGym. I remember wondering what I was supposed to do with her between her meals and naps and BabyGym provided those answers.BabyGym helped me feel more confident and better equipped to handle my baby. I mostly loved the fact that I didn’t have to find extra time in the day or extra money to do BabyGym with her. All the activities could be ‘built-in’ to her daily activities and routine, like nappy changes and tummy-time and we could use things around the house like our washing basket and our towels. I felt so passionately about the BabyGym programme that I decided to leave the school classroom behind and become an Instructor. It is such a privilege to be on this journey with parents and babies. It is wonderful to be a parent, to have done the course as a mom and now to be teaching others parents!
Mamma span óók haar sintuie met BabaGim® in
Sonja Basson
Een van my BabaGim kliente, Surina van Niekerk, het my verlede jaar kom sien toe sy 25 weke swanger was. Sy en haar man het BabaGim 1 gedoen en baie na hul bondeltjie vreugde se koms uitgesien. Hierdie was egter ‘n unieke BabaGim klas want die mamma is blind. Sy is nie blind gebore nie, maar het soos sy ouer geraak het haar sig stelselmatig verloor.
Hospitalisasie minder traumaties met BabaGim®
Jo-Marie vdM Bothma
Net toe ek gedink het dat my 17 maande oue seuntjie, Merwe, nou te “groot” is om nog te kan baatvind by BabaGim, word ons weer gekonfronteer met ‘n uitdaging wat my nie net na my asem laat snak oor hoe sterk sy siel en sy karakter is nie, maar ook hoe effektief BabaGim tegnieke tydens trauma en stressvolle tye ingespan kan word om ‘n lyfie te help ontspan.
Dankie BabaGim®, Eleanor kruip soos ‘n kampioen!
Erina du Preez
Ek is Erina en vertel graag hoe BabaGim my dogtertjie help kruip het. Ons het begin met BabaGim 2: Ferm Grondslag klassies en het getrou ons oefeninge gedoen. Hier het ek ‘n wonderlike ondersteuningsnetwerk ontdek en die uitruil van praktiese wenke het baie gehelp. Ek’t besef dat Eleanor stadiger as ander babas van haar ouderdom groot motoriese mylpale bereik, tog het sy binne die aangewese raamwerk gebly. Ons het gewag, maar Eleanor wou net nie begin kruip nie. Ek het vir Diamari van BabaGim in Bloemfontein gekontak toe Eleanor 11maande oud was. Diamari het voorgestel dat ek die kruip klassies kom bywoon, aangesien ons slegs 4 weke gehad het voor haar eerste verjaarsdag, waarop sy veronderstel was om te kon kruip. Eleanor het nog geensins beweging getoon of oorgekom vanaf ‘n sittende posisie na ‘n hande-vier-voet-posisie nie, my hart het gesink. Ek kon nie regtig sien hoe ons iets sou regkry nie en ek het goed geweet hoe belangrik kruip vir verdere ontwikkeling is.
Trauma, BabaGim® en Miané
Marietjie van den Berg
Miané Ainsley is op 27 Maart 2014 gebore. ‘n Pragtige en besige kleinding wat alle mylpale reeds ferm onder die knie gehad het, toe die ondenkbare op 9 November 2015 gebeur. Haar ouma het die plons in die swembad gehoor en dadelik in die swembad gespring om Miané uit te haal. Dit was egter reeds te laat. Miané het nie meer asem gehaal nie en daar was ook geen hartklop te bespeur nie. ‘n Buurman het oor die elektriese heining gespring en dadelik met KPR begin, waarna die ambulans personeel oorgeneem het by hulle aankoms. Miané is hospitaal toe geneem waar dit nog 23 minute geneem het voor daar ‘n hartklop geregistreer het. Sy was vir ‘n maand in die hospitaal. ‘n Maand waarin haar toestand wipplank gery het tot sy eindelik stabiel genoeg was om huis toe te gaan.
Die BabaGim-massering help ons Kegan ontspan en ontwikkel
Diamari Schoeman
Op 20 Junie 2014 het die wonderlikste ding met ons gebeur; ons liefling seun, Kegan is gebore. Sy geboorte was egter nie ʼn feeverhaal nie. Kegan was ʼn brug baba. Hy is onmiddellik na geboorte na die Neonatale ICU geneem en die voorreg om ons pasgebore baba te omhels is van ons ontneem…
BabyGym® Stimulation = Success
Charlotte Gouws
One of the exciting things about BabyGym is that it can be applied in various ways and forms. Charlotte Gouws has been offering BabyGym group classes in Durbanville for many years, and in addition to the weekly group classes she also consults one on one with babies, children and sometimes even adults. Here are three short success stories from her BabyGym practice.
Ek kan my lyfie net gebruik as ek my lyfie ken
Rudine Ferreira
My seuntjie JJ is prematuur gebore. Ek het erge blaasontsteking gekry en hy is op 33 weke gebore en was vir 10 dae in die neonatale eenheid. Ek was (soos enige ander mamma van ‘n prematuur baba) baie bekommerd oor sy ontwikkeling en miskien bietjie paranoïes ook. Ek het opgemerk dat hy heeltyd met sy koppie oor sy regterskouer lê en kyk en dat hy regtig baie sukkel om sy koppie te draai. Ek het hom probeer help, maar dit was duidelik dat dit vir hom ongemaklik was as ek sy koppie probeer draai – miskien seer ook; sy nekspiertjies was baie styf. Sy ogies het nie mooi gefokus nie en wanneer ek hom op sy maag laat lê het, kon hy nie sy koppie van die vloer af opgetel het nie. Sy kopvorm was ook platter aan die eenkant omdat hy heeltyd aan daardie kant gelê het.
BabyGym and the Chinese Bamboo Tree
Sima Diar
The development of a baby’s brain is very similar to the Chinese Bamboo Tree. For the first few years it is difficult to tell from the outside if development is taking place, but once your toddler starts to walk, talk and interact with you, you see the same amazing growth as the Chinese Bamboo Tree. Although it seems like all the growth happens at the same time, the first years are crucial- and determine the strength and complexity of the root system that makes the growth spurt possible.
Mamma en Pappa laat kyk asb na my ore!
Dr Jo-Marie vdM Bothma
BabaGim Instrukteur, Jo-Marie vdM Bothma (van Harrismith), het as Mamma die laaste jaar self haar BabaGim-kennis ernstiglik op proef gestel. Toe haar baba-seuntjie op 6 maande baie stadig ontwikkel en swak op klank reageer het sy begin ondersoek instel en kliphard aan die werk gespring om haar seuntjie, Merwe, se fisiese-ontwikkeling aan te moedig. Lees hier haar suksesverhaal:
BabaGim® kweek moed en selfvertroue
Rudine Ferreira
Op 15 maande wou my seuntjie niks weet van loop nie. Hy het op twee verskillende geleenthede gewys dat hy wel kan loop, maar dit was asof hy net nie die moed gehad het om weer te probeer nie. Hy was bang vir alles en wou niks nuut probeer nie – of dit nou kos, speelgoed of nuwe mense was – hy het net geweier om te probeer. Op 15 maande het ‘n “goeie nag” beteken dat hy net 5 keer wakker geword het, meeste van die tyd moes ek tot 8 keer in die nag vir my kind moes opstaan. Dit het sy tol emosioneel en fisiek geëis. Ek sien toe op Facebook van die BabaGim program en ek het dadelik met Rudine Ferreira, die naaste BabaGim Instrukteur, kontak gemaak.
Is BabyGym® beneficial for a Preemie Baby?
Lisa Small
“…Johann’s mom Liesel, called me when Johann was 4 weeks old to enquire about BabyGym® especially for Preemies. She had heard from a friend that it was a great programme and that it had good success with prematurely born babies. We chatted about the programme and she decided that we would start with BabyGym once Johann had reached his gestational date. In fact, he was 8 weeks old when we started with BabyGym 2: Firm Foundations, in their home. Of course Baby Johann was a new born and he himself was asleep or feeding for most of the 5 weeks. His mum however, was determined that Johann was not to miss out on anything. Liesel worked with Johann every day diligently following the BabyGym programme. The paediatricians working with Johann were amazed at how strong he was and how well he was doing despite his early arrival. Liesel was very good about tummy time and allowed Johann to explore his world as naturally as possible. Lots of rug time, walks and swings, smells and tastes and other fun filled activities filled their day…
Crawling comes before walking
Zharina Wajoodeen
…”By the time Danyaal reached 17 months he had mastered the art of bum shuffling. By now we desperately wanted him to walk and were hoping that BabyGym® would help us reach this important milestone. We met our BabyGym Instructor, Zharina Wajoodeen, and to our disappointment Danyaal was very unhappy with the introduction, Zharina had to sit far away and at times had to look away and talk to us because even looking at Danyaal unsettled him. I felt totally helpless. However, Zharina wasn’t startled by Danyaal’s reaction and continued with an overview of the way forward: Zharina explained the functions of the skin and how massage is used to calm the skin and make the body feel safe and secure; she warned that BabyGym was not a quick fix but that daily attention and exercises would soon show results; she explained the importance of reaching each milestone in sequence and that walking would only become a priority once Danyaal was able to crawl confidently on all 4’s for some time; finally, she also stressed that rushing the milestones would not benefit him and that the sequence in which milestones were reached, was more important than the speed at which they were reached. After our first BabyGym session we were still quite unsure of what was to follow, but we had a sense that we were in good hands…”
BabyGym® and Craniosynostosis
Sunette du Preez
My baby, Arno, was born with a condition called Craniosynostosis. This is when the sutures in the baby`s skull prematurely fuses and the result is that the skull and brain cannot grow normally. Arno`s Sagittal suture was fused at birth. Luckily for us this was not such a foreign situation because I was born with the same condition and had my operation at 3 months. When Arno was 9 weeks old he had the operation to separate the fused sutures. Before the operation I met with BabyGym Instructor, Liezl Blom, to chat about ways in which I could help to relieve the stress that Arno would experience during the operation and the stay in hospital. She gave me great BabyGym tips and techniques to keep him calm and stress-free…
BabaGim® moedig liggaamsbewussyn, nuuskierigheid en beweging aan
Sonja Basson
Baba Milay het op 6 weke begin met BabaGim. Haar mamma, Melissa, was baie opgewonde oor die klassies, sy is ‘n Graad R juffrou en het tydens haar swangerskap van Dr Melodie de Jager, die stigter van BabaGim, se boeke begin lees. In klastyd het die boeke se teorie vir haar prakties geraak en dit was vir my wonderlik om te sien hoe sy haar eie baba kon waarneem en kon sien hoe sy ontvou en ontwikkel.
‘Vriende van BabaGim’ Opleiding in Uitenhage
Lynette van Wyk
Op die mees stormagtige dag waarop paaie in ons stad verspoel en bome bo-op karre val, pak ek my BabaGim trollies propvol poppe, handdoeke en ander hulpmiddels om Vriende van BabaGim in Uitenhage by ’n dagsorgsentrum te gaan aanbied. Oki Doki Kidz het beide ’n Engelse as ’n Afrikaanse dagsorgsentrum twee strate van mekaar af en ek is sommer dadelik in die stortreën met ope arms en hope vriendelikheid ontvang tussen die kindertjies deur wat sit en huiswerk doen met fasiliteerders wat hulle bystaan. Groot was my verbasing toe ek my goedjies in die klein, maar baie netjiese babakamer met 6 kampbedjies, almal netjies en skoon, uitpak. Dis klein en beknop op die vloer, maar ons gesels oor die leerproses, leer die poppe masseer en speel al te lekker met die verskillende moontlikhede van Week 1 en 2 van BabaGim. Drie dames, twee nog heerlik jonk en sonder kinders en een ouer dame neem entoesiasties mee. Dit verg determinasie en uithouvermoë vir ‘n dagsorgjuffrou om 07:00 te begin werk en 10 uur later, om 17:00 aan te meld vir ‘n twee- uur lange opleidingsessie. Maar sekere juffrouens het murg in hulle pype en Eva Forbes, Karen van Schalkwyk en Marika Britz het nie een keer gesug of gekla dat hulle die Vriende van BabaGim-kursus moes doen nie. Hulle het intelligent en meelewend deelgeneem aan al die aktiwiteite. Hulle is reg en lus vir leer en die oordra van kennis was ’n louter plesier. Nie een keer word enige van hulle deur ’n selfoon onderbreek of afgelei nie. Daar is nie eens tyd vir ’n lekker koppie tee nie…
BabaGim® maak spiere sterk
Karin Bartman
Klein Graham was 6 maande oud toe hy by my begin het met BabaGim 2: Ferm Grondslag. Hy was deel van my groepie gevallestudiebabas tydens my prakties om as BabaGim Intrukteur te kwalifiseer. Aanvanklik sou sy mamma, Elsa elke week met hom BabaGim bywoon, maar weens werksverpligtinge het Hannetjie, sy oppasser, met hom die kurses bygewoon. Vanaf dag een het ek vir klein Graham dopgehou en ‘n punt daarvan gemaak om sy vordering te monitor…
Medical Doctor Makes Full Recovery from Brain Injury After Motorcycle Accident
Dr Sonja and Dr Danie Steenkamp
On 11 June 2008 Sonja received a phone call, Danie was involved in a serious motorcycle accident and she needed to make her way to the hospital. On arrival the medics were resuscitating Danie, and thankfully they were successful. They however warned that the next 48 hours would be critical and that they did not believe Danie would survive. They advised that Sonja contact the family so that they could gather at the hospital and say their goodbyes. His injuries included severe brain injury, he was in a deep coma, he had bad fractures to his right hip and right upper leg, rib fractures and numerous cuts and bruises. That same evening Danie received emergency surgery to his hip and leg due to the severity of the fractures and internal bleeding, he also needed 5 units of blood, but the upside was he did not need brain surgery. When Sonja met with the Neurosurgeon for the first time he said about Danie: “his brain looks like scrambled eggs”, there was no differentiation between the white and grey matter in the brain. Physical impairments during the coma included paralysis to the left side of his body due to the brain injury and not the neck, he was also immobilised due to the hip fracture on his right. If you ask Danie what he recalls from the first 3 weeks he says absolutely nothing. During his stay in the hospital he received no rehab therapy due to the bad prognosis, the staff barely thought he would survive never mind recover. Doctors said: “he will not recover, not be able to return to work, and will most likely not be able to look after himself ever again.”
BabyGym® for a 78 year old Stroke Patient
Chantal van den Berg
Mr. Robert De La Porte’s family contacted me after Discovery Medical Aid had referred them to BabyGym. He was a 78 year old man who had suffered a stroke and was at the time receiving physiotherapy and speech therapy. I arranged to meet Robert and the family so that I could determine our plan of action. When I met him I was able to note the following: the left side of his body was mostly affected by the stroke; he was able to speak, but very slowly; his eye sight was very badly affected; he kept his left eye closed most of the time (an attempt to help his right eye to focus), he wasn’t allowed to drink from a straw but he was able to eat on his own using his right hand. I did a finger test on his left and right side to see if he could place his thumb against each finger for 8 seconds but he unfortunately couldn’t and needed assistance with this exercise. I now new that BabyGym would benefit Mr De La Porte so we agreed that I would do BabyGym with him for 1 hour daily, for four consecutive weeks; and Robert’s sister (who was staying with him at the Oasis Care Centre at the time) offered to help by repeating some of the BabyGym exercises with him in the evenings…
BabyGym® calming and suckling exercises for a distraught baby
Lyn Wade
I am a Registered Nurse, Midwife and BabyGym Instructor and have run my own Well Baby Clinic in Pietermaritzburg for many years. I often get called to help New Moms with various issues particularly with breastfeeding and I had a lovely experience recently that I would like to share with you. I received a desperate SMS from a new Mom (with a 4 day old C-section baby) quite late on a Sunday night with regards to her breast feeding. Mom had arrived home from hospital on Saturday afternoon, feeding had been going fairly well in hospital but now that baby was home things had gone a little ‘pear shaped’. I received a tearful call from Mom Monday morning at 7am saying that her baby had not fed and had been screaming since 11pm Sunday night and could I please come and help. I arrived at this mom’s house to find Mom and baby very distraught, the grandparents had arrived earlier to also try and help with the situation. Before taking the baby from mom I explained to the family what I was going to do and the importance of ‘sameness soothes’ i.e. mimicking how this little baby felt whilst still in utero…
BabyGym® Visual Exercises for Adults
Charlotte Gouws
On 28 September2014, 28 year old Jean Bougard was in a terrible motor vehicle accident. His injuries were profound with very little hope of his vision recovering at all. A MRI scan showed significant damage to the Occipital lobe in the brain. The doctors said “Jean will have No vision again”. October 2014, the first eye test was performed at “The Eye Institute” and showed no sign of any vision. He could not even see a finger at short distance from his eyes and therefore also “failed” the eye test…
Bloukolloos te danke aan BabaGim®
Chantal Janse van Rensburg
Tydens my kwalifisering as BabaGim Instrukteur het Baba Xander (as een van my gevallestudie babas) BabaGim saam sy pappa, Eugene, bygewoon. Xander was ses maande oud toe ons met BabaGim begin het, en sy pappa se grootste bekommernis was dat Xander sy oog, kop of neus potblou of selfs stukkend gaan slaan met sy speelgoedjies want dit blyk of Xander dikwels so lekker maar rof speel en homself in die proses beseer.
BabaGim® en die Wakkermaak Massering
Lynette van Wyk
Vir ‘n hele paar jaar het ek as BabaGim Instrukteur reeds die voorreg om mammas touwys te maak met die BabaGim massering. In BabaGim leer ons 2 tipe masserings, een om baba te ontspan en rustig te maak en een om baba op te kikker en wakker te maak (sou baba dalk te rustig of passief voorkom). Dit het egter nog nooit gebeur dat ‘n baba sodanig “lui” was dat ons die wakkermaak massering in klas moes toepas nie. Dit het dus bloot teorie gebly en ‘n mens het heimlik maar gehoop dat dit ‘n mamma hier en daar sou help wanneer baba luierig is om te drink, aan die slaap raak en dan minute later weer wakker word omdat baba nie versadig gedrink is nie. Het ek maar geweet van die BabaGim wakkermaak massering toe ek self ‘n eerstekeer mamma was!
A BabyGym® Instructor’s Journey
Zeenat Sirkhot
We always read about babies’ success stories but here is my story. My life before BabyGym was a dark and lonely place. I have been married for 17 years but God has not blessed my marriage with children. It has been a tough journey with never ending doctor’s visits, trying crazy concoctions, therapies from needles to medicines, special diets and exercise to meditation and prayer, Maulana (Muslim Priest) to Maulana, herbalists… I have been to them all. In between all of this my heart was aching and I felt my youth slipping away, I sometimes looked into the mirror with horror, what had I become? For a long time I stayed away from family and social gatherings, I even kept away from close friends because they had children and I always felt like there was no common ground. I was never confident when it came to babies and I always felt inferior to other women…
A Daddy’s BabyGym® experience
Aadil Mosam
Being a first time dad, like all other parents, I wanted the best for my little girl Zaakirah. At first I didn’t know exactly what BabyGym was all about, but surprisingly a whole new window into the human mind and body was opened, and I learnt a lot! For me it was amazing to learn that seemingly insignificant or small things like perhaps eye contact or dad`s touch are actually important factors in a child`s development. As a dad I am relieved to have learnt that it is not the expensive toys and gadgets that will ultimately lead to the development of a better brain.
Nathan – ‘n reis van hoop!
Marietjie van den Berg
November 2013 het Nathan se ouers my genader om Nathan te ontmoet met die oog op BabaGim® terapie nadag hulle ‘n praatjie van Melodie de Jager op RSG geluister het. In die praatjie het sy genoem dat dieselfde bewegings van in BabaGim gebruik word om heelbreinontwikkeling te stimuleer, ook in die gevalle van breintrauma die brein kan stimuleer om nuwe neorobane te bou en te vestig. Hierdie stukkie nuus was vir Nathan se gesin ‘n klein ligstraaltjie in ‘n baie donker wêreld. Nathan was reeds 3 jaar oud. Sy breintrauma as gevolg van ‘n “near-drowning” het reeds in April 2012 gebeur, wat dus beteken dat dit in daardie stadium reeds ‘n jaar en ‘n half na die ongeluk was. Nathan het op ‘n baie gereelde basis fisioterapie, arbeidsterapie en ARB ontvang en die mediese prognose was dat die “venster van herstel” reeds oorskry is en dat alle aanduidings daar is dat Nathan geen verdere ontwikkelings-mylpale sal kan bereik nie.
Magie-tyd en goeie kopbeheer lê ‘n ferm grondslag vir alle verdere mylpale
Sonja Basson
In week 1 – 3 van BabaGim® bespreek ons die belangrikheid van beweging, magie-tyd en kopbeheer -en ons weet dat die kop alle verdere ontwikkeling en beweging lei. Ons weet ook dat indien kopbeheer nie bemeester word nie is mylpale soos omrol, sit, kruip en loop nie moontlik nie…
Suksesstorie: Ons hele gesin neem deel aan BabaGim®
Ilze Roth
Ons het die 2de Januarie 2015 die ongelooflike voorreg gehad om ons tweede kind, ‘n babaseuntjie genaamd Adam, in die wêreld te verwelkom! Om te verseker dat Adam ook die nodige boublokke vir ‘n beter brein ontwikkel, het BabaGim® vining ‘n groepsaktiwiteit in die Roth-huishouding geword…
Mamma en Pappa ry moeiteloos 120km ver om BabaGim® by te woon
Carmen Nagel
Zia en Willem-Jan is op 30 weke gebore. Met hul gesondheid en vordering was daar geen probleme nie. Hulle ouers, Riaan en Marlize, het van BabaGim® gehoor en het die waarde en voordeel wat daar in die program vir hulle kinders is, besef en hulle het my genader. Die feit dat hulle dit beslis met hulle twee kleintjies wou doen, was ‘n uitgemaakte saak, maar hulle het ± 120 km vêr gewoon en ons moes datums en tye kry wat hulle sou pas om die pad aan te durf. Ons het besluit op ‘n Saterdagoggend 9 uur en hulle het vroeg gery om betyds vir elke klassie te wees. Vir Pappa Riaan was dit geen probleem om BabaGim® saam met ons vrouens en babatjies te kom doen nie…
BabyGym® and Silent Reflux
Dr Jo-Marie vdM Bothma
Our baby boy was born full term and weighed 3.6kg. He however ended up in NICU with fluid in his lungs and was given extra oxygen to assist with absorption of the fluid. He responded very quickly to this intervention and was discharged after 5 days. Shortly after arriving home, he presented with a whistle-like noise during normal breathing, but especially during feeding. We first thought that he did not fully recover, but during his 6-week check-up at the paediatrician, it became clear that he was suffering from Laryngomalacia. A condition characterised by the soft, immature cartilage of the upper larynx that collapses inward during inhalation, causing airway obstruction. His condition was however worsened by silent reflux. It caused inflammation of the upper airways and made breathing (and as a result feeding) even more difficult.
BabaGim®, liefdestale en jou baba
Christa Badenhorst
Omdat baba nog nie in woorde kan aandui wat sy liefdestaal is nie, is dit moeilik om vas te stel wat baba se liefdestaal is. BabaGim® kan Mamma of Pappa wel help om elkgeval met baba in enige liefdestaal te kommunikeer en sodoende baba geborge en geliefd laat voel. Deur die BabaGim® massering te doen word liefde aan baba gewys deur fisieke aanraking. Hierdie liefdevolle aanraking vorm die fondasie vir al baba se latere verhoudinge (de Jager, 2009). Wanneer Mamma met baba praat en baba bemoedig tydens oefeninge is die aard van die woorde dikwels opbouend, sodoende ervaar baba liefde tydens ‘gesprekvoering’ met Mamma. Baba reageer op ‘n positiewe wyse op Mamma se sang en spraak (de Jager, 2009) en die herkenning van Mamma se stem skep ‘n gevoel van geborgenheid by baba (de Jager, 2009). Deur om tyd op sy te sit om die BabaGim® oefening en vaardighede (wat in die klas geleer is) met baba tuis toe te pas sê jy: ‘Jy is belangrik genoeg dat alles anders kan wag, ek wil graag met jou tyd spandeer.’ Mamma en Pappa toon diensbaarheid wanneer daar aan baba se behoeftes voldoen word, dit kan dinge soos kosmaak, baba liefdevol masseer en storieboek lees insluit (de Jager, 2009). Alhoewel daar nie ‘n geldelike waarde aan ouerskap geheg kan word nie, kan mens vir jou baba ‘n geskenk gee deur in sy of haar toekoms te belê. Om jou kind te masseer en te ontwikkel sal ook die breintjie ontwikkel en daarom is BabaGim® prysloos!
BabaGim® 1 en die belang van ouer- en baba interaksie vir ’n hegte band
Lynette van Wyk
Ek is seker oumas is die beste ding sedert gesnyde brood en gun elke nuwe mamma die bederf om by haar ma in te trek vir ’n onbeperkte tyd. Tog moet elke mamma en pappa die voorreg hê om in daardie eerste weke self met hulle baba te “bond”. Dit kan alleen gebeur as hulle die baba self hanteer, bad, troetel, masseer en versorg – so ver as wat dit enigsins moontlik is. Tien uit tien vir BabaGim® 1 wat die belang hiervan onderstreep. Dit het duidelik het ‘n groot verskil in hierdie gesin se lewe gemaak en ek glo dit gaan nog groot verskille maak in die lewens van baie gesinne. ’n Stewige band met mamma en pappa bou nie alleen saam aan ’n beter brein nie, maar ook aan lewenslange goeie verhoudinge wat so nodig is vir die totale ontwikkeling van die baba.
BabaGim vir uitstekende borsvoeding
Lizelle Keshav
Te danke aan die leesstof wat ek vooraf gelees het, het ek geweet dat borsvoeding nie altyd natuurlik kom nie. Ek het my beste probeer om al die verskillende posisies en truuks te onthou om baba te help ‘latch’ en voed maar in my onsekerheid, het ek nie genoeg selfvertroue gehad om in die hospitaal aan te dring op vel-tot-vel-kontak direk na geboorte nie. Ek was baie op my senuwees en die eerste keer wat ek hom probeer voed het, was dit ‘n hele ses ure na geboorte, die personeel het hom gaan bad en hom eers 6 ure later terug gebring! Die suigrefleks is die sterkste direk na geboorte, so ek het geweet dit gaan uitdagend wees om hom so lank na geboorte te probeer voed. Dit was maar net die begin van die gesukkel, dit het ‘n hele paar dae geneem voordat ek hom rustig kon voed sonder ‘n gespartel. Selfs nadat hy beter begin voed het, het my seuntjie steeds gereeld gesukkel met maagkrampe, voeding het nie vir ons natuurlik gekom nie…
BabaGim maak speel speel slim
Ilze Roth
“…Ek is seker as BabaGim® Instrukteur bly die eerste BabaGim groep mens nogals by. Ek glo werklik BabaGim® werk, maar ek was erg benoud of iemand dalk hulle geld na die klassies gaan terugvra. Na 18 maande van BabaGim® klassies aanbied het ek onlangs vir my vorige mammas ‘n e-pos gestuur om te hoor hoe die babas vorder en om te hoor of hulle voel BabaGim® het ‘n impak op hul babas se ontwikkeling gehad…”
Tyd, het ons ooit genoeg daarvan vir ons kinders?
Christa Badenhorst
Vir nege maande het elke Mamma daardie bondeltjie vreugde met groot sorg en liefde gedra. Soos die tyd nader kom vir Baba om gebore te word, word Mamma dikwels ongeduldig om haar liefkind te ontmoet en vas te hou. As Mamma maar net in haar ongemak en ongeduld weet hoe verlang mens weer na die tyd waar baba binne en veilig in die baarmoeder, teen die wêreld se aanslae beskerm was. Die tyd moet kom waar baba gebore word en dan is Mamma se hart vir altyd buite haar liggaam. Die aanpassing tot die nuwe manier van leef saam baba is opwindend maar ook uitdagend en soms wens Mamma dat baba net op ‘n ouderdom kan kom waar hy of sy deurslaap, nie oral rond gedra hoef te word nie of iets op sy of haar eie kan doen; hoe min besef mens dan dat tyd die grootste rower is? Daardie tyd wat baba so klein en afhanklik is gaan so vinnig verby!
BabyGym develops strong and skilled hands
Venessa T’Hart
This little 18 month boy was in our Cotlands Birth to 2 Early Learning Group in Pefferville, Eastern Cape. He attended the stimulation class. During my site visit in June 2014 I notice that his left hand did not have a strong grasp with restrictive use. I recommended to the Early Learning Play Facilitator that he be included in the Baby Massage class and follow the BabyGym programme and to encourage the mother to daily massage his hands and use various sensory/tactile objects to stimulate hands. All our staff members have been trained as Friends of BabyGym and understand the difference between growth and development, and the importance of strong and coordinated movement…
BabyGym and Colic
Neelufer Seedat
Being a new mum is hard, but being the new mum of a colic baby is enough to send you to seek extreme solutions. I was keen to try any remedy possibly, from Dutch medicines and old wives tales to people who can cure a shifty navel. Fortunately for me I’m surrounded with very intelligent elders who endeavoured to keep me away from resorting to calling one of those miracle healers from the pamphlets that kept getting left on my car. My very tech savvy dad kept trying to find me “first world” solutions, from diets to American FDA approved homeopathic medicines and eventually came upon a way to strap the baby to myself to create the womb-like bonding that my paediatrician kept insisting upon. This wrapping technique coupled with my clued up mum in laws suggestion to try BabyGym® is how I am today able to calmly get on with my life.
Natural birth, a tough and unexpected journey, but so worthwhile
Lelani Brand-Labuschagne
…On the Monday, marking my 39th week of pregnancy, I started to experience contractions from around 20:00 the night. With the false contractions still fresh in my mind I was hesitant to tell anybody about them, not even my husband. When we went to bed around 22:00 I told him that I think I might be in labour, but that I wanted to make 100% sure. I was keeping track of how far the contractions were apart. At 23:20 I told him “This is definitely it, I think we should go to the hospital.” My first baby was born with an epidural and I was planning the same with Lea. On our way to the hospital I asked my husband whether he thought that an anaesthetist would be available at this time of night, and maybe to calm my own nerves I answered my own question with “There must be someone on call”. When we got to the hospital and the nurse examined me she indicated that I was definitely in labour, I was dilated 4 to 4 1/2 centimetres. When I presented her with my birth plan she shared the shocking news that there wasn’t an anaesthetist available. My heart skipped a beat; this was not what I had planned! But I realized that there was no turning back, this baby was going to be delivered with or without an epidural…
A Beautiful journey with the Le Clus family
Nicolene Steyn
I have been a BabyGym® instructor since December 2011. During 2014, I qualified as a Childbirth Companion (Doula), and I had the amazing experience of journeying with a family from BabyGym 1, through birth, to BabyGym 2: Firm Foundation. This is the story of Leandré and Jacques Le Clus, and the birth of their baby, Jean-Claude (J.C.)…
Starting BabyGym from soon after birth has many benefits
Zeenat Sirkhot
…”Today I am so happy that she decided to join BabyGym sooner because her dedication has been rewarded, she has a baby that is happy and who develops well. Leeyah is already crawling, and the thing that strikes you first about her is her calm and happy demeanour. She is a tiny baby, but extremely alert and receptive, her body is flexible, with great muscle tone, and she moves confidently. Also, her tummy cramps have settled.”
Natural birth_a magnificent success story
Cozette de Jager
In April 2014 we received the news that my brother Waldo, and his wide Juané were expecting. To the De Jager family this was incredible, the first small de Jager in our family was due and an unexplored chapter was waiting. We shared the excitement about the progress after every doctor’s visit and we watched as Juané’s tummy quietly grew bigger and bigger, Baby Kailah was becoming a perfectly healthy little human being.
Tuesday Afternoons with Hamna
Zeenat Sirkhot
Quite some time ago, I received a phone call from Hamna’s mum enquiring about BabyGym. The first thing I asked her was “how old is your baby?” expecting the usual answer “3- 6 months”, but no, I was told she is 3 years old and Autistic… We finally began the first lesson, I was scared and didn’t know what to expect. Hamna was hyperactive, jumped around the room, and made an agitated sound. She tried to pull my head scarf off and I had to block my eyes, she would also start to throw herself at her mum, signalling the end of the session. Through this entire time Hamna’s mum was absolutely amazing; she persevered and kept on massaging her. By the 5th week of BabyGym, we were doing ‘Week 3’ of the BabyGym programme and that is where we started to see drastic changes in Hamna’s behaviour. She calmly sat with us on the floor, while we did the exercises, allowing her mum to massage her and to give her different things to ‘taste and smell’. When I walked away from the day’s session I had tears in my eyes; I had never felt so fulfilled in my life; it was the first day Hamna made eye contact with me, she participated so well and she even gave me a greeting hug and kiss.
BabyGym for relaxation, feeding, speech, potty training and anxiety
Lisa Small
Dear BabyGym, I wanted to share some amazing success stories with you…
Prematuur babatjie baat by BabaGim® se naby-sintuiglike- en kruip oefeninge
Rentia de Swardt
Klein Mieke Beeslaar is op 22 Maart 2013 na ‘n swangerskap van slegs 27 weke gebore. Sy was met geboorte baie klein en het net 900gram geweeg, maar sy was ‘n regte klein vegtertjie! Mieke moes amper 3 maande in die intensiewe eenheid deurbring en het ‘n langpad na groei en ontwikkeling vorentoe gehad; Mieke is eers ontslaan toe sy 2kg geweeg het. Vanweë die feit dat Mieke 3 maande vroeg gebore is, is sy sonder ‘n volledige ontwikkelde velletjie gebore, sy het dus op belangrike ontwikkeling binne die baarmoeder uitgemis.
Developing baby’s sense of balance develops baby’s self-confidence
Michelle Joan Beeker
David Beeker, being a rather large and heavy baby often had assisted seating from a very young age which allowed him limited motion or movement and reduced the opportunities for him to fight the pull of gravity. As a result he had very little confidence with new environments and would also become very unsure especially should he happen to lose his balance or have to move during a game. It was apparent that the lack of movement had hindered the strengthening of his core muscles and that his vestibular system (sense of balance) needed to be further stimulated and developed.
BabaGim help baba Lebo kruip ten spyte van haar gesondheidsuitdagings
Grethe Posthumus
*‘n Skuilnaam is gebruik aangesien Lebo in ‘n plek van veiligheid woon en haar identiteit nie bekend gemaak kan word nie. *Lebo is ‘n 10 maande oue vegterjie wat in 2013 gebore is. Sy is met Spina Bifida (‘n kongenitale gebrek wat veroorsaak word deur onvoltooide sluiting van die neurale buis) en Hidrocephalie (waterhoofie) gebore; sy is net na geboorte verskeie kere agv haar diagnose geopereer. Ek het Lebo vanaf 2 maande vir BabaGim begin sien. Sy was nog baie klein en ons was nie seker wat haar prognose sal wees nie, aangesien nie alle mediese rekords beskikbaar was nie.
BabyGym and the Vagus Nerve
Lorraine van Niekerk
When we are stressed priority is given to our heart, lungs and muscles so that we can fight or flight/run away and attention to our other bodily functions such as suckling decreases. That is why we have a dry mouth and butterflies in our stomach when we are stressed. Babies have all sorts of digestive problems when stressed like stomach cramps, colic and reflux. They also struggle to get their rhythm right when feeding and tend to swallow a lot of air. When the Vagus nerve is massaged, baby’s body relaxes out of fight and flight mode and other bodily systems operate as normal making sucking, swallowing, metabolising and digestion possible and easier.
I train friends of BabyGym
Lorraine van Niekerk
I often struggle with the language barrier, but this has made my BabyGym classes so much more practical. I used to ‘talk, talk, talk’ in my classes, but new moms struggle to just listen, because they are ‘listening’ to their babies. So in my Friends of BabyGym classes ‘talk, talk, talk’ turned into ‘look, look, look’ and ‘now you try’. I now apply the more practical way of teaching in all my BabyGym classes and I have seen wonderful results!
BabaGim die grootste geskenk!
Wiida de Klerk
My naam is Hugo De Klerk en ek is 9 maande oud, wel eintlik is ek 7 en ‘n half maande oud. Ek is gebore op 34 weke – 6 wekies te vroeg en dit was omtrent ‘n groot verrassing vir mamma en pappa! Ek was gelukkig gesond, al het ek net 1.9 kg geweeg, my longetjies was sterk en die dokter sê dis als te danke aan die normale kraamproses… Op 7 maande het ek gesit , en eintlik was my gekorigeerde ouderdom toe 5 en ‘n half maande. Met my 6 maande pediatriese ondersoek was die oom dokter omtrent verbaas! Mamma glo dat BabaGim die grootste geskenk is wat enige ouer sy kind kan gee. Sonder BabaGim sou ek nie al my mylpale so mooi kon bereik nie. Elke ouer en versorger behoort BabaGim te doen en met ‘n prematuur babatjie, soveel te meer. Dankie BabaGim vir die toewyding waarmee julle klein breintjies help bou.
BabaGim massering help baba ontspan en ontwikkelings-mylpale bereik
Hanri van Niekerk
…Ek het aan mamma verduidelik dat dit juis die babas is wat nie van massering hou nie wat dit die meeste nodig het. Ek het haar aangemoedig om deur te druk en Lisa ‘n paar maal per dag te masseer. Teen week 2 kon ons vorder tot by haar kuite en teen week 3 kon ons amper die hele massering voltooi voor Lisa vir ons “gewys” het dat dit genoeg was.
BabyGym provides practical and stimulating ideas for play time
Michelle Surén-Ahrens
I enjoy playing with my boys and playing in a stimulating way is much easier since we’ve done the BabyGym programme; a ball, towel and some imagination goes a long way! I would like to thank our BabyGym Instructor Margit Reiff, I will always be grateful to her, not just for the BabyGym content but for the way she presented it too.
Die BabaGim massering se wonderlike voordele vir tieners
Liezl Blom
Ek het na my kwalifikasie as BabaGim Instrukteur by ‘n skool begin werk as babaklas-onderwyseres. Ek het BabaGim daagliks in my klas toegepas en dit het groot nuuskierigheid by die klas-assistent ontlok. Die assistent het drie tiener-kinders en sy wou graag BabaGim op hulle toepas; haar een seun het gesukkel om in die klaskamer te konsentreer en sy wou dit graag aanspreek.
Refluks verdwyn na BabaGim suig- en metaboliserings-oefeninge
Cynthia de Smit
Ons baba dogtertjie, Tiana is op 7 Desember 2012 met ‘n keiser in die wêreld gebring. Elke keer wanneer ek haar gevoed het, het sy melk opgebring. Partykeer het dit gelyk soos ‘n wind wat sy gesluk het en dan het sy net bietjie melk uitgespoeg, ander kere het sy ‘n boog melk opgebring.Sy was 8 maande oud toe ons die BabaGim klasse met haar begin doen het en sy was toe steeds op die spesiale formule-melk spesifiek vir refluks. Ons het gereeld die Vagus-senuwee gestimuleer, en ook die BabaGim oefeninge vir suig- en metabolisering herhaal, daar was dadelik ‘n verbetering. 6 Weke nadat ons die BabaGim oefeninge met Tiana begin doen het was daar alreeds ‘n merkwaardige verandering in haar voeding, sy het nie meer melk opgebring nie en sy kon na gewone formule-melk oorskakel.
Swooping arms during feeds develops awareness and skill needed for rolling
Micha Coetzee
I would like to share my own little ‘success story’. My son Luca (now 11 months) was 8 months old when I did the BabyGym Instructor training with Dr Melodie de Jager. I found this to be fantastic as I was able to go home every day and apply all the new BabyGym exercises on my son, who mostly thoroughly enjoyed it. During the BabyGym Training Melodie emphasised that both sides of the body need to be stimulated, and that when one feeds, regardless of breast- or bottle feeding, you need to change arms mid-feed to offer equal development opportunity to the sides of the body. Luca was a bottle-fed baby from day 1 and I never swopped arms during feeds…
BabaGim se daaglikse massering is die antwoord
Charlene Griessel
Ek het by BabaGim (in Tzaneen) uit desperaatheid aangesluit en nie regtig geweet wat om te verwag nie. Ons het met die masseering begin en ek was so hoopvol. Binne 2 weke kon ons reeds n verskil in Lindsay se postuur sien. Maar as ‘n mamma (in haar oorlewingsbrein a.g.v. moegheid ens.) was dit regtig moeilik om met die masseering vol te hou en op daardie stadium het ek nie besef hoeveel herhaling nodig is, voordat die spiere ontspan en die brein die nodige breinpaadjies bou nie…My raad aan mammas is: byt vas en druk deur. HERHALING, HERHALING, HERHALING! Soek geleenthede om die massering en oefeninge deur die loop van die dag tot dag bedrywighede in te pas. BabaGim IS die antwoord, belê in jou baba se ontwikkeling en toekoms!
Is dit ‘n apie in my huis of is dit net sterk BabaGim-voete?
Marinda Botha
Ek het nou al verskeie kere op my 18 maande oue seuntjie afgekom waar sy hande te min is vir alles wat hy op een slag wil doen en waar hy dan sommer sy voete en tone inspan. Die mens se voet bestaan uit 26 bene en ongeveer 100 spiere en ligamente. Om dus hierdie voetjies op so ‘n manier te gebruik moet ongelooflike inspanning en vaardigheid verg. Ek het gaan oplees en gevind dat baie van die fisiese terapie wat vir sterk voetspiere aanbeveel word, alreeds in die BabaGim-program ingesluit word. Geen wonder hul voete word so slim en sterk dat dit soos hande gebruik kan word nie!
Parent feedback_My BabyGym Experience
Zharina Wajoodeen
After having my 3rd baby, I decided that I would like to do a stimulation programme with my little girl as I did not do with my previous 2 kids. Now being an early Childhood Educator and working with little ones on a daily basis I wondered whether doing BabyGym would be stimulating for me or perhaps just an over-run of information that was already known to me. Oh Boy, was I in for a surprise! I didn’t realise that the earlier one starts with stimulation for your baby the better and doing the BabyGym 2: Firm Foundation course has been the best thing I have done for my baby & myself.
The benefits of BabyGym
Charlotte Gouws
I’d heard of BabyGym before, but due to a combination of ignorance and prejudice, I’d decided it probably wasn’t my cup of tea. I honestly thought it was like gym for babies – in other words, that we’d be doing baby push-ups and sit-ups on rubber mats on the floor. While there is a little of that involved in the BabyGym programme, it’s the brain developmental techniques and stimulation of baby’s senses that really blew me away. We tend to think that babies should be kept in a cocoon and sheltered from any external stimuli, but I soon discovered that they relish all kinds of stimulation.
BabaGim bevorder borsvoeding
Hanri van Niekerk
Franco is op 31 weke gestasie tyd gebore a.g.v swangerskap-komplikasies.Hy was ‘n maand in die ICU-versorg voordat hy kon huistoe gaan. Terwyl hy in die ICU was het mamma uitgemelk en is hy per buis gevoed. Mamma het my gekontak ‘n paar dae voordat hy sou huistoe kom. Sy suigrefleks was nog swak en sy was nie seker of sy hom ooit met sukses sou kon borsvoed nie. Ek het week 3 (van BabaGim 2: Ferm Grondslag) met haar behandel en aan haar gewys hoe om Franco se suigrefleks te help versterk…
BabaGim help ons met praktiese raad deur al die fisiese-, emosionele- en sosialemylpale
Lizelle Muller
Ons dogtertjie Nia, het eers op 13 maande begin kruip en ons was bekommerd dat daar fout was met haar spiere. Al die ander kinders van haar ouderdom het op 13 maande al geloop of ten minste tekens van loop gewys. Toe Nia amper 16 maande oud was het ons met BabaGim 2: Ferm Grondslag begin. Lizelle Muller, ons BabaGim Instrukteur in Mosselbaai, het dadelik voorgestel dat ons haar skoene uittrek sodat sy kaalvoet kan beweeg. Ons het die BabaGim oefening wat Lizelle gedemonstreer het getrou gedoen en binne ‘n paar weke het Nia haar eerste treetjies gegee en geloop!
BabyGym in preparation for school readiness
Jocelyn Purchase
In this latest class that I started 05 Feb 2013 one of the Mommies who arrived was Nina Wagner with baby Lea. Lea was born 14th December 2012 and her neck muscles were very weak and mommy was so worried as she knows that her little one will go to school with children who were born in Jan/Feb of the same year. Mommy Nina realised that her little Lea would be a whole year ‘behind’ developmentally. My first “success” was that I could tell her that by doing BabyGym with Lea she was ALREADY helping her to “close” that gap between her baby and the others she would be going to school with!
BabyGym gave me purpose when I felt most helpless
Brenize Coetzer
As a mommy I felt helpless during this trying time, but BabyGym gave me the tools to offer Anika something special, I knew the BabyGym massage would relax her and make her feel loved. With all the medical expenses offering BabyGym to other moms and babies became a must-do and not only just a passion. I started a BabyGym classes during that time and it became my only escape from reality. Sticking to the BabyGym manual and reinforcing all my previous BabyGym knowledge made me confident in the knowing that there is always hope. BabyGym never felt so important to me. It wasn’t easy to see other mommies babies’ develop in my class, and have my own baby struggle, but seeing the development of the other babies gave me the urge to carry on with little Anika, I knew/ and still know she will get there!
BabyGym helps premature baby to master crawling
Lisa Small
Ncgebo came to BabyGym just before his 1st birthday, a very prem baby at birth, to see if BabyGym could help him to crawl by his first birthday. With a lot of hard work by his mum and caregivers, Ncgebo was crawling by his birthday. What a beautiful birthday present for Ncgebo!
Van moedelose-mammas tot sonskyn-mammas
Marinda Botha
Met BabaGim kry ons baie keer mammas wat alreeds baie weet, mammas wat baie wil weet en soms ook mammas wat nie weet watter kant toe met hul babas se probleme nie. Dit is gewoonlik dié moedelose mammas wat baie keer verras word met die dinge waartoe hul baba in staat is.
BabyGym baby Traynor and oesophageal-tracheal fistula
Shaylene Lendrum
After a series of complications after birth, Traynor and mom, newly qualified BabyGym Instructor Shaylene Lendrum, embark on a journey filled with hospital visits, BabyGym and relentless hope- we look forward to hear more about Traynor’s progress- the baby boy with the fighting spirit.
My BabyGym experience as a clinic nurse
Barbara Chambers
Many mothers think of BabyGym as a “nice to do, added benefit”. I know it is an essential path to future learning. It is therefore a “must do” for all future learners in this country. If pregnant parents are able to complete the firm foundations program before their baby is born, they are able to apply their knowledge from day 1. Imagine the potential of these babies? The beauty of BabyGym is that the mother has a “hands on” role in her baby’s development and future, on a day to day basis, from home!
BabaGim help mamma om baba met selfvertroue te hanteer
Hanri van Niekerk
Bongi was 6 weke oud toe sy en haar mamma begin het met BabaGim. Wat my dadelik opgeval het was dat haar mamma “skrikkerig” was vir haar. Sy het byna nie aan haar geraak nie en was baie senuweeagtig as Bongi begin huil het.
Elke BabaGim baba is werklik 'n sukssestorie
Hanri van Niekerk
Met die teoretiese gedeelte van die BabaGim-opleiding het die Gevorderde Instrukteur, wat my opgelei het, aan ons genoem dat elke baba wat BabaGim doen ‘n suksesstorie sal wees. Ek moet bieg- ek was ‘n bietjie skepties gewees! Die waarheid is dat ek nou moet saam stem. Elkeen van die babas waarmee ek tydens my praktiese gedeelte van die opleiding gewerk het , getuig hiervan!
BabyGym helps Janro reach each milestone in sequence
Annemie Pitzer
How true to say that: through the struggle we learn and through persistence we get better at what we do! If you think that what you are doing is not important –let Janro’s story inspire you. Never give up –believe in what you do-and needless to say : repetition, repetition, repitition!
BabaGim bou hartspadjie tussen pa en seun
Carien Vos
Nuut gekwalifiseerde BabaGim Instrukteur, Carien Vos, vertel van Baba Dian en Pappa Jaco se ervaring met BabaGim en hoe hul verhouding daarby baat gevind het na die onverwagse dood van Dian se mamma.
Borsvoeding is beste!
Magda Botma
Cerica du Toit vertel van haar stryd met borsvoeding en hoe BabaGim Instrukteur Magda Botma (Mosselbaai) met eenvoudige BabaGim stimulasie tegnieke gehelp het om borsvoeding ‘n hoogtepunt van die dag te maak!
BabyGym in Pollsmoor Prison
Marlise Howell
Marlise Howell presents BabyGym on a regular basis to inmates and their babies at Pollsmoor Prison in the Western Cape. Read the following story to find out how BabyGym helps these babies to prepare for the world outside of the prison.
Let's start at the very beginning
After battling to fall pregnant we were over the moon to find out that we were finally going to have a baby. Only a short while after the birth of our baby girl, Jessica, did doctor’s note their concern and Jessica then underwent many blood and urine tests, most of which would come up as inconclusive or the samples would be sent to the lab incorrectly and would have to be redone, it seemed that Jessica had been turned into a pin cushion. We finally got in contact with BabyGym Instructor Genevieve Hundermark who immediately explained the concept of BabyGym to us and the importance of starting right at the beginning to ensure that all the ‘switches’ in the brain are ‘switched on’ as is not always possible due to complications at birth.
Success Story: Adrian, Spina Bifida and BabyGym
Lauren Leslie
Baby Adrian makes great progress despite having a imperforated anus and being diagnosed with Spina Bifida, a tethered spinal cord and agenesis of the corpus callosum. BabyGym, together with other therapies, helps Adrian to reach his milestones in sequence.
Suksesstorie: Adrian, spina bifida en BabaGim
Lauren Leslie
Baba Adrian ontwikkel goed afgesien van die feit dat hy ’n ongeperforeerde anus, spina bifida, ‘n geankerde rugmurg en ontwikkelingsgebrek van die corpus callosum het. BabaGim, tesame met ander terapie help Adrian om sy mylpale in volgorde te bereik.
Experiencing BabyGym AGAIN
Cher Strydom
BabyGym Instructor Cher Strydom has worked with many moms and babies. However, seeing the effects of BabyGym on her own new born daughter amazes her AGAIN.
BabyGym is a 'have to' for every baby
Tacita Shaw
A delighted mom shares the changes she has experienced, since she and baby Cuan joined BabyGym.
BabyGym and Autism
Rita Kotze
Mom and care-giver tell us more about baby Noah\’s sensory sensitivity, sensory integration, perception and motor planning improvements since doing BabyGym.
BabaGim en outisme
Rita Kotze
Baba Noah se Mamma en versorger deel met ons hoe sy sensoriese sensitiwiteit-en integrasie, persepsie en motoriese beplanning sedert BabaGim verbeter het.
Hope for Moms
Marlise Howell
The combined efforts of a very dedicated mom, dad and BabyGym Instructor show extraordinary results of a baby who was previously diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy (CP).
Hoop vir ma’s
Marlise Howell
Die spanwerk van ‘n toegewyde mamma, pappa en BabaGim Instrukteur toon buitengewone resultate vir ‘n babatjie wat voorheen met serebrale verlamming gediagnoseer was.
Ons prematuur babatjie met Ichtyoisis
Marne Burger
Baba Enya verbeter opmerkbaar nie net fisies nie maar sielkundig ook. Met n tweede opvolg besoek aan die pediater skakel hy dadelik outisme uit.
BabaGim help met kruip
JH Albrecht
Mamma en pappa wil beter resultate he al is die dokters tevrede. BabaGim help om die verlangde resultate te behaal.
A sceptic mommy's experience with BabyGym
Tasneem Bhayat
Becoming a mother for a fourth time opens a new awareness to an already experienced Mommy. BabyGym has allowed for additional learning for the family and an improvement in communication, stimulation and learning with her older children.
Volksblad: Dokter weer in tuig dansy 'wonderwerke'
‘n Mediese dokter in Kimberley herstel merkwaardig na ‘n ernstige motorfietsongeluk. Sy toegewyde vrou, Sonja, het pas na die ongeluk die BabaGimoefeninge op hom begin toepas en slegs maande na die ongeluk keer hy terug na die werkplek.
BabyGym and a rare form of Down Syndrome called Mosaicism
Melanie Goff
Bethany receives compliments from therapists following her BabyGym effort. Bethany continues along normal developmental paths.
BabyGym at a Children's Home
Elma Vertue
5 week BabyGym programme assists 3 babies to engage on an equal footing with their peers, regardless of pervious physical challenges.
Is BabaGim slegs vir babas met probleme?
Charlotte Gouws
BabaGim is nie net vir siek of gestremde babas nie, maar noodsaaklik vir elke baba se optimale ontwikkeling.
BabyGym and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Diagnosed with Foetal Alcohol Syndrome, BabyGym helps Veronica gain strength
BabaGim en Fetale Alkoholsindroom
Baba Veronica is met Fetale Alkoholsindroom gediagnoseer maar sterk goed aan met die hulp van BabaGim.
BabyGym if only I knew then
Zharina Wajoodeen
Children benefit from the simple things that BabyGym teaches in their everyday lives as they get older.
Our baby with Down Syndrome
Roche Snyman
Due to Down Syndrome, with low tone and possible developmental delays, Luc exceeded expectation because of continual BabyGym programme done by his loving parents.
Luc- ons baba met Down se sindroom en BabaGim
Roche Snyman
Luc is gebore met Down se sindroom maar oorskry ontwikkelings verwagtinge danksy sy toegewyde ouers en BabaGim.
Confident mom and baby
Louise Gilbert
BabyGym gives baby and Mom a great start in life
BabaGim en gemeenskapsdiens
BabaGim Instrukteur Lizette Labuschagne spandeer graag haar vryetyd by Maria Klopper kinderhuis waar sy die vrywilligers van BabaGim leer.
BabyGym a life line
Marinda Erwee
Baby with Pierre Robin Syndrome and an underdeveloped heart, Kavan, transcends his difficulties to bond with his Mommy, by means of BabyGym.
Luke's Story
Brian and Janet Legemaate
Following a difficult start to life and diagnosed with Prader-Willi Syndrome, Luke’s prognosis was not positive. However with BabyGym, Luke is now developing normally as a responsive and well adjusted little boy on his way to living a full life.
BabyGym in Clarens en route to Lesotho
Mamotebang Ntokoane
No fancy tools required, BabyGym transcends all and is easily used in all communities.
BabyGym and open heart surgery
Gona Reddy
Stricken with a near fatal heart defect, and enduring open heart surgery as an infant, Tiarra, too weak to even walk and eat, benefits from BabyGym. At the age of three now continues achieving ongoing developmental milestones.
BabaGim en opehartchirurgie
Gona Reddy
Opehartchirurgie laat vir Tiarra te swak om te loop of selfs te eet, sy ontvang egter BabaGim en nou, op die ouderdom van 3 jaar, bereik sy haar mylpale in volgorde.
At what age can my baby start with BabyGym
Nikita van den Berg
Baby enjoys compliments regarding his muscle tone and reduces social pressure for developmental milestones due to BabyGym course.
A daddy's perspective
Stefan Harmse
A father’s view of the miracle and difficulties of birth.
BabyGym for all ages
Anika Govender
Following extensive surgery to correct orthopaedic problems to his legs, Caylan at the age of 12 learns to walk again. and 64 year old stroke victim recovers use of limbs in record time
Madhava's Story
After many physical challenges, Madhava regains physical strength and muscle tone due to BabyGym Firm Foundations programme.
'n Mamma se storie
Annemarie Burger
Te danke aan Dr Melodie de Jager en Omega 3 en 6 is my kind vandag sonder Ritalin en terapie. Eers toe ek die werking van my kind se brein verstaan, kon ek die regte oplossing soek. Ek het weer ‘n gesonde kind met selfvertroue en ‘n lus vir leer!
Ane's Story
Annamart Coetsee
Diagnosed with Horner’s Syndrome and Stage 4 Neuroblastoma and suffering from her many treatments, Ane was able to maintain her feeding and is developing due to constant BabyGym.
Die ontwikkeling van baba se magie
Marwyn Sowden
Die wonder van ontwikkeling: die baba se magie, suig en sluk funksie.